National Tradeshow Rentals specializes in display rentals that meet all your expectations and budget needs.
Double Deck #202
Our Deck Kits: Efficient and Flexible
With an eye to efficiency, NTR offers Decks in standard kits. These kits include everything for your Deck to be show ready and code compliant in short order and for the right price. While standardized, these structures can be easily skinned and accessorized to showcase unique branding and messaging and, ultimately, make a statement.
Zone 1........................................................................ 36,491.00
Zone 2......................................................................... 39,872.00
Turnkey Rental Package
*Graphics Package....................................................... 7483.55
*Furniture Package....................................................... 1284.00
*Carpet Package.......................................................... 995.00
* These items are additional costs if clients would like to add on to rental package
Our Turnkey Packages are based on two zones. (See our Zone Map for more information) Our packages include the booth structure, hardware and crating for entire booth rental. All our packages include Ground shipping to show warehouse, return ground shipping back to our warehouse, Labor set up on straight time and labor dismantle on straight time. Any Overtime labor that is mandatory by show management or client is billed additional at show site rates.